Sunday, March 7, 2010

MAC Wk1 Reading- Ponies or Poo?

The Art of Possibility- changing our world by changing our perspective. Each of us views the world based upon the schema we have developed from our own unique set of experiences. Whether that perspective has a positive or negative spin is completely up to us. This reminds me of a joke I heard years ago:
Two boys were having a birthday. Their parents took the boys into a large room that was filled with horse manure. The first boy stood in the middle of the room and cried because he didn't receive the pony he had asked for. The second boy walked into the room, giggled in delight and began digging furiously through the manure. "What are you doing??" the first boy whined.
"Well," the second boy replied, "with this much manure, there's gotta be a pony in here someplace!"

Ponies or poo- what you see is up to you!


  1. Disgusting and wonderful... and the third boy silently thanked God that he didn't tell anyone that he really wanted an elephant.

  2. i thought I'd heard this story before.... michelle, are you a thesis person?
